Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Next Big Thing Self-Interview

11.      What is the working title of the book?
The working title of the current book is bar time. I know that needs to change, but I’ve yet to come up with any better names, so that is filler. Perhaps I should just use the filler from my first book in hopes that it’s a lucky title, The Melting Aquarium.
22.      Where did the idea come from for the book?
This book came from that moment of manic desperation when the lights flicker on at the bar and there’s only so much time between getting kicked out alone or kicked out with someone else. This isn’t to say it’s all a hookup book, but a book about getting in and out of connections with others. Also, I felt as though I lost my voice for a while, so this is a rediscovery.
33.      What genre does the book fall under?
Oh this is totally poetry.
44.      What actors would you choose to play a movie version of your book?
In the movie version I would have it be a real life documentary. Because of this, I will have a poem where James Franco gives me money and apologizes for his crimes.
55.      How long did it take you to write the first draft of the manuscript?
The first draft is still taking place. It took me one of those 30 day challenges to hammer out a draft of a chapbook that is the basis for the book though.
66.      What is the one-sentence synopsis of the book?
Man exists in both poem and inebriation.
77.      Who or what inspired you to write this book?
This book was inspired by my need to rediscover my voice. I spent too much time falling into other’s edits and other’s opinions that I forgot how to have fun while writing. Most of these poems make me laugh.
88.      What else about your book might pique your readers’ interests?
I’ve done more research on armadillos than I thought was possible.
99.      Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
I want this and all of my books published by small, independent presses. This is the reason I started my own press, to publish others who are incredibly talented. This is also why I encourage others to begin their own press. Yes, there are already too many small presses out there to read everything produced, but that’s no excuse to not contribute to the market you wish to engage in.
110.  My tagged writers for next Wednesday (3/20) are: