Saturday, January 19, 2013

Oh, hello there

So I was reminded last night (perhaps after several beers and someone googling me on not my almost Zach Morris flip phone) that I'm more than an editor or teacher. While, yes, those are very important facets to me, I also write. In fact I have several poems forthcoming as well.

My poem 'a slight retelling of Greek mythology with bourbon' will be a part of Two Cups Press's bourbon anthology. Two Cups Press is a little firecracker of a press out of Lexington. Plus, when I was down there for Holler Poetry Series they totally saw me double fisting bourbon and PBR because I had to represent my two homes. (Ok, Toledo is also a home, but I've no idea what they're bringing to the table.)

I also have a poem coming out from the burntdistrict. This one is extra sweet to me because I read it up in Minneapolis/St. Paul and it was supposed to be a part of anthology. Well the editor didn't necessarily like it and he didn't tell me that it wasn't going to be a part of the anthology because there wasn't enough time at the brunch we had the following day. Or something. Anyways, it feels damn good to be validated over a piece you know to be good.

Imaginary Friend Press is still doing wonderfully. I put out four killer chapbooks last year. I'm starting this year off with another doozy in Jeff Alessandrelli's "People are Places are Places are People." Look for that around Valentine's Day because we always need more heart. Imaginary Friend Press is also throwing a book contest. The very first one. Ever. I'm hopeful that the turn out is spectacular and I can publish more than one book. That would be a great start to our contest life.